
Showing posts from 2016

Badam Business.

Brand is not what you advertise. It is what the people say about your brand to others. In business, consistency is something very important that make people to visit your firm/shop/hotel. This is my first piece of story on food and it is about a Badam drink  (A Milk drink) Shop in Trichy . I used to drink Badam milk there for quiet some years. I think they have been survived over the years because of some simple yet remarkable reasons.  Its starts from how they treat their food and their utensils .There are lot of road shops we come across and some of ‘em may taste better than of what we get in the restaurants. But still we can’t blindly say all the restaurants keep their hygiene factor up all the time. Even I’ve served with hairs in Uthappam ( South Indian Dish that tops the breakfast charts) in a restaurant. But the shop I’m discussing here, clean their glasses with fresh water using vim bar or something every time. By doing this they make sure we are not drinking other peopl

Nostalgia Notes

After a good little chat with a typical Mallu guy, i'm sitting still in the same place which is in front of a computer on a sofa which has been replaced recently. I don't feel like going to bed even though i feel a bit sleepy. and i don't feel like watching candid photography blogs either. So i ended up here typing trash. I know there is nothing gonna happen tonight dramatically. I'm not waiting for any one's reply or not planning my tomorrow. The reason why i'm typing the keys is i feel so blank at this moment which happens very rare.The mallu guy i said earlier is a "Mallu" guy with whom i don't have a choice of chatting in my mother tongue. Being English is the only choice i'm left with, the whole conversation happened in English. And here i know a guy of 23 year old making a conversation in English is not a big deal at all. But the thing is, at the end of the conversation i felt like that was the best and the longest conversation i ever di

How i rolled.

I'm a kinda guy who get inspiration from little little things like others. As a guy who has done all his schooling  through Tamil medium, i never thought I would be writing Blogs.But this doesn't mean that now I'm well versed in english to write one.What brought me here is something that I want to share.Before getting to the core, some words of prequel. Story TELLING is something that i'm good at.The reason why I emphasise telling is because of the fact I've never been a good writer at any point in my life.I never been satisfied with my exams scores(Except Mathematics) and there was no time I impressed somone through chatting(*cries in corner* ;(  ).  On the other hand I never had the fear to face stages and strange people.So after certain point that attitude made me to do talk shows on occasions and they were the times  i started to realize my merits.So I'm writing this about someone who inspired me to do this 'Writing'.  Okay!.  Let's roll. That s