Badam Business.

Brand is not what you advertise. It is what the people say about your brand to others.
In business, consistency is something very important that make people to visit your firm/shop/hotel. This is my first piece of story on food and it is about a Badam drink (A Milk drink) Shop in Trichy . I used to drink Badam milk there for quiet some years. I think they have been survived over the years because of some simple yet remarkable reasons.
 Its starts from how they treat their food and their utensils .There are lot of road shops we come across and some of ‘em may taste better than of what we get in the restaurants. But still we can’t blindly say all the restaurants keep their hygiene factor up all the time. Even I’ve served with hairs in Uthappam ( South Indian Dish that tops the breakfast charts) in a restaurant. But the shop I’m discussing here, clean their glasses with fresh water using vim bar or something every time. By doing this they make sure we are not drinking other people’s saliva!.
 As people say communication matters when it’s comes to business. But wait. Here,  they don’t do the talking even to the customers. Because in a way they don’t have to. You’re gonna ask for a drink and they ll give you a glass of drink. That’s it! And they are not local people; they are somewhere up from North. And i always admire those people who are from north by the way they present themselves. Neatly combed hair; full sleeve shirts makes ‘em so typical!  
 As Indians, we never have change. Even we have some we’ll save it for the next bus ride or for a rickshaw. I’ve always given a hundred or five hundred bill but they never ever said they don’t have change. I tested ‘em even when the whole India run out of change because of a crisis. Guess what? Even then they haven’t changed. They had change! . That is how they avoid needless conversations and they concentrate on what is important which is one way of doing good business!
They are the proof to the fact that people choose quality over the price. Even though they charge a bit higher ( 25 Rs for a drink) than other sellers (those drinks that comes in bottles) you can always find people in front of this shop for the matchless taste. They offer Hot and Cold badam drinks with some badam toppings (I’m a fan of the Cold drink) and Lassi which are always fresh!
In this article i didn’t dig deep on the food and ingredients they use. But of course their drink is exquisite and i wanted to appreciate ‘em and share it to the world of blogger!

Thanks for reading! 
