
A Book's Whisper.

She walked into a bookstore. She adore books more than anything. After a little roaming around the aisles of the shop, she stumbled upon to this one book which looked so appealing. You know when some books whisper like "why don't you just try me"? None of the other books in the shop did what that particular book did to her. But strangely she didn't even take a hold of the book to read a glance as she does usually. And she did know that was the first time a book appealed to her. She stood there looking at the book for a while and walked away hoping to find a book that she don't know. -.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-THE END-.-..-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-. After she went, the book whispered "i'd be here if you ever wanted me".


மூலையில் தனிமையில் கசங்கி கிடப்பதிலிருந்து வானத்தில் மீண்டு பறப்பதாய் மாறி மாறி  சுழல்கிறது  இந்த பாதை .  பறக்கும்போது தொலைவதை விட , தனிமையில் நான்கு சுவற்றுக்குள்ளே என்னை தொலைத்து பின் மீட்டெடுத்த சம்பவங்களின் அனுபவங்கள் என்றும் மீண்டும் விரிய காத்திருக்கின்றன. பறத்தலின் அனுபவங்களை அவளின்  ஒளியிழையில் பதிய முயன்று தோற்றுப்போயிருக்கிறேன்.  திசைகளற்ற வெளியில் பறத்தலில் வெற்றி தோல்வி பற்றிய குறிப்புகள்   இருப்பதாக தெரியவில்லை அல்லது அவ்வாறாக சொல்லித்  தேற்றிக்  கொள்கிறேன். நாளை பரிசளிக்கப்பட வேண்டிய நினைவுக்குறிப்புகள் பதியப்படாமல் போனது பற்றி அவளுக்கு தெரியாது. நாளை என்னவென்பதைப்பற்றி நான் அறியாததைப்  போல்..தோற்றுப்போதல் அனுபவங்களின்  மேல்  அடுக்குகளை  உணர்த்துவதாய் தொடங்கியிருக்கிறது இந்த வருடம்.. பறத்தலை எதிர்நோக்கி மூலையிலிருந்து..  

Body, Soul and Me - The Fusion

I'm continuing from where I left.. The place was fixed and it was Varanasi. My plan was to get there before the new year. At first, I had no company in mind (actually had one!) but then I found a friend of mine also had the same plans as mine! Later we started booking tickets and the thing is we were left with one choice to reach Varanasi which is Chennai-Agra-Lucknow-Varanasi.    Yet it was a terrible idea, we didn't mind because we cared only about the destination. That really helped us to understand about the people, landscape, whether as such. The plan was to stay in Varanasi for 3 days. The first day we walked all day along the ghats of the river Ganges and shot some pictures. The next day we explored the other ghats we didn't explore the first day. During the night time, we shared our knowledge of photography and music. Though I had shot some 600 pictures from the past days I wasn't satisfied.  My friend told me that I have to work on my perspective

Body, Soul and Me - Kind of Forword

       Its been almost a year since i received those film rolls from her. I was sent two of Tri X 400s(BnW) and 2 of Provia 400H (color) rolls which are what exactly i asked for.  I promised myself to use those rolls wisely not just because they're expensive but also i believe that the films are sacred!    It happened to me via two American portrait and wedding photographers named Ryan Muirhead and Tanja Lippert whom i found on YouTube who only uses analogue medium. I saw them capturing a whole wedding using this medium,  That's not the thing which inspired me to shoot film but the psychology he (Ryan) explained why he chooses film over digital.  That inspired me right away. .And from then, I started to search the process of shooting/developing film rolls. I must admit that I was quiet frightened after seeing those chemistry(darkroom process) things because it requires tonnes of knowledge and experience but is also interesting at the same time.  P.C Google   After s

Nobody is You.

When i realize things about this world and when I discover little philosophies or when i feel happy or sad, i want to share them with someone and its been always her. I'm not helped by any of these communication devices when I want make a small talk. So now why am i writing this or who am i telling to if she never read it? I don't know. I just don't know. :)  Lets publish it for nobody's sake!

Carrying a 70 200 makes us a candid photographer?

In wedding photography it is classified as traditional and candid style photography. The traditional photographer meant to cover all the rituals right from the exteriors of the mandap to all other rituals. The T.P(Traditional Photographer) meant to ask people to pose for every time even during tying the knot.       On the other hand it is the duty of the C.P (Candid Photographer) to capture candid moments. As the name suggests the subject in your frame shouldn't be posing for the picture. Its all about capturing people/emotions/moments as they happen. Its a pure art.     I've shot weddings in both styles. When i assigned to shoot candid pictures to an engagement, i was given a set of lenses except the mighty 70-200. But there were other lenses like 24 70, 50mm as such.   But when i was starting with wedding photography i had this thought that it is impossible to shoot candid pictures without the 70 200 2.8. That day i started arguing with the assistant like i should

Why i wish the Mersal to be its last kind.

It didn't surprise me at all when the BJP people started reacting to the Mersal movie dialogues.Because nowadays movies has to face problems than they deserve and somehow it becomes the part of the promotion.I haven't seen the movie by then. While watching the media debating on the 2nd day of Mersal release about those GST dialogues and wrong facts stated in the film, i thought lets see what Mersal has to say except those two lines. Later that day they want the particular dialogues to be removed because the facts are stated wrong for which they(BJP) didn't expect this kind of support from the film supporters all over the nation which again became a promotion for the movie. But, We all knew that demonetization and taxing didn't favor the common people or everyone. Especially demonetization process heavily criticized not just by the people but also by the experts like Mr.Raghu Ram Rajan.  Okay. I watched the film the next or so and this is my reaction to the f